Monday, May 28, 2018

May 21, 2018

This week was a mix of rain and sunshine. I saw a beautiful rainbow leaving work Wednesday. It was pouring rain but sunny too!

I ran eight miles on my day off to prepare for Ragnar. It was pretty hard but I feel better about the race next week. I did get a little sunburned on my shoulders though. 

Paul and I drove up Logan canyon to bear lake on Saturday. We went to Tony's Grove on the way up. It's elevation is 8,050 feet. It was pretty cold and there was lots of snow on the lake. That helped it feel warmer on the beach at bear lake. My shoulders got a little more burned and Paul got a little more sunburned than me ðŸ˜‰

We went to Le Beau's for lunch and it was super yummy ðŸ˜‹ 

Love you guys! Hope you had a great week!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 20th, 2018 Good Stuff

So things are going extremely well! 

My new companion's name is Elder Cayabyab. He's such a beast! 

He's the first comp that I knew before he was my comp and when I saw he was my next comp I was pumped but also a little nervous because nothing ruins friendships like having to be with someone 24/7. 

But there was a good omen from the very beginning. What happened was when we met at the transfer point the first thing he said "Der Tumaba ka" (Elder you got fatter) Yeah most people would take offense to that but I was pumped! 

And it's basically been like that since. I'll be real training a new missionary was by far the most stressful, disappointing, and frustrating thing I've like ever done.  Also it really sucked being the one who is speaking the second language and still have to lead every lesson and have him just bear testimony about what I said but now I got a guy who's about my same age in the mission. So yeah things are about to catch on fire here! 

Love you guys! 

Elder Roberts

Monday, May 21, 2018

May 14th, 2018

Ragnar is in 2 weeks😃😬😰 Haha so Paul and I went night running a couple of times this week in addition to our normal workout to help get me ready. 

I went to a citrus pear class this week after working there for a couple of weeks and it was so fun! The ladies at the class were so nice too! They helped me cut up my veggies and get all the ingredients into the freezer bags. I was probably the slowest person there ðŸ˜‚ the lady next to me was pregnant, like super pregnant, so I helped her get her heavy cooler with her meals in it into her car. She was so cute. 

Paul and I taught the scouts by ourselves this week and that was super crazy ðŸ˜… a couple of them were so cute and loved learning about fish while the majority were just loud and crazy. We played tag after, if we weren't tired enough, and then definitely added to my Ragnar training ðŸ˜‚
Haha speaking of which, I won a fazookie at Firehouse pizza! It was free and Paul and I finished it ðŸ˜… #phat but it was so yummy! 

Paul and I went to the temple on Saturday. That was really nice, we haven't been for a while. We definitely got blessings for going because right after the temple we went to buy a freezer because our little freezer couldn't fit all the meals I brought home from my class earlier in the week. We got it and we were talking it to the car when we realized it was not going to fit in our tiny car. It was even a small freezer! Haha and a lady five cars away called to us and asked if we needed help. We ended up putting it in her car and she followed u

s home! She was so sweet! We tried to pay her back but she wouldn't let us. We are grateful for that woman's act of kindness.

Then we came down on Sunday for Amelia's "surprise" for Mom. She wouldn't tell me anything, she just called me on Friday and asked me how much I loved her. Haha well a lot because I didn't need too much taking into to come down to salt lake for this mysterious surprise. I can't believe she is going on a mission! I was blown away. Argentina is going to be the best experience for her. Paul and I are so excited for her! 

May 7th, 2018

Sorry it took us so long to send it the weekly email. Nothing too exciting happened last week. Paul and I are just enjoying summer! Enjoying the weather and not going to class has been great! 

We went fishing with the scouts on Thursday. We went out with Cameron and Collette Saturday. 

We're sad that we couldn't spend more time with our mom's on Sunday but it was so fun to see everyone for a little bit. 

Love you!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

April 30th, 2018

I started work at citrus pear this week and it was surprisingly fun. I even signed up for a class in a couple weeks for myself. You get the fun of cooking without the stress. 

Finals went really well. Paul got another 4.0. he made a goal this semester to graduate Summa Cum Laude. 

We taught our scouts about fishing this week. Afterwards we picked up some fishing poles for next week from the Bishop. While we were there we helped out with some yardwork. It was a fun improv thing. 

To celebrate the end of the semester we went to see infinity war. We really liked it. 

Andrew, Sierra, Amelia, and Peter came up for Eliza's graduation on Saturday. We went to breakfast at Herm's inn and then Andrew came with Paul and I on a hike up Logan canyon to the wind caves. It was a beautiful day. 

Everyone went to Eliza's graduation ceremony after that but I had to work. They came to visit me at work and got some dessert later that night before going back to salt lake. 

Love ya! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 23, 2018

The semester is winding down, finally. We have exams this next week and then we're done for the semester! We are so ready for summer and Logan has been teasing is with warm weather.

We went over to Crista's and Matt's on Monday for cookies to start of dead week. Eliza, Cameron and Colette, and Liz Moore's family were all there. Ruby showed us her killer dance moves and then we played hide and seek. It was cute because we took a picture and Crista asked Ruby who she wanted to hold her for it and she said, "um, maybe Sarah" ðŸ˜‚ she is so cute.

I had my first day of work at my new job on Tuesday. It was not super glamorous but it kinda sold me on incorporating more crock pot meals into my week. This new job is at citrus pear, which is kind of a cooking class. People come to a grocery store where classes are held and they assemble ingredients into gallon bags to store in their freezer until they need to use it and they just put it in the slow cooker. They learn some knife skills and it's supposed to help save time for the people that come into preparing meals. Some meals we prepared this week were meatloaf, carne asada, vegetarian lasagna, and beef stroganoff. 

We had our first meeting as den leaders. Luckily it was a pack meeting so we didn't have to do much. We're really lucky because we work with another couple over the bears and they are really outdoorsy. The husband is from Wyoming and loves fishing and hunting. We're going fishing in a couple of weeks, so that'll be fun to learn something new.

Today was super sunny so Paul and I took the opportunity and went on a walk to the temple. We hope the weather will stay nice.

Love you all!