Saturday, January 5, 2019

December 24-30, 2018

This week was so fun to get together with everyone for Christmas!

Christmas Eve was full of games and fun. We exchanged sibling gifts. Thanks to Peter for the scientific cookbook and Eliza for the book of Mormon study guide, gift card, and treat :). We had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, watched it's a wonderful Life, and read a couple Christmas stories.

We had a nice Christmas morning with everyone. We had breakfast, read scriptures, then exchanged gifts. Thanks to Brianna for giving Paul a great haircut! Paul and I packed up and went down to Provo in the afternoon for Paul's family's party. We had a nice dinner, heard some spiritual thoughts, and got some yummy treats from Grandma Terry. 

Then a homeless man asked for a ride to the hospital as we were leaving the church after the party. Paul and his dad took him and we all just met up at his parents house after. We played some games, had treats, and talked to Paul's brother, Adam, serving in the Philippines. Then we looked at family photos together until we had to drive back to Logan.

It was initially very snowy in bountiful when we started driving back but once we got to Farmington, all the roads were dry and we got home safely. 

Thursday we had a lunch party with Paul's chemistry lab group at Huhot and that was super yummy and kinda awkward. Just a bunch of nerds haha

Friday night we went to another Aggie basketball game and totally crushed it.
Saturday we took care of our car for the new year and I guess everyone else had the same idea so we had to wait for our car for 4 hours! I brought my computer so I got a lot done and Paul got really invested in some podcasts. 
Sunday I decided to pull out my new yarn and knit one of those chunky knit throw blankets. It took a few hours but I finished it! And it is so awesome! I love it! Paul does too ðŸ˜‰ I used the wrapping paper from Gram as my huge knitting needles haha they are a multipurpose tool!

Thank you all for your generosity! We loved being with you this week

December 17-23,2018

We started the week out with a Christmas party! We meet up with Paul's lab group for next semester and the professor running it. He loves Paul and was so excited for him to come. We played games, which was really fun because the Chinese students had never played games like musical chairs, and pin the nose on the reindeer. Then we took some pictures and did a gift exchange. Paul got a portable charger for his phone and I got some fancy lotion. 

Paul worked in the lab this week and I worked. We finished up our Christmas shopping and wrapped everything. I also was able to fit in some time to bake a couple of desserts to bring for Christmas. 

We came down to salt lake on Sunday and played games with everyone. We celebrated James's birthday, 18! Then we went and played games with Paul's family in the evening. 

We're excited to celebrate Christmas with everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2019

December 10-16, 2018

This week was finals week. Paul was stressed about his finals and didn't have a very fun week. We're still waiting to hear back from one teacher. I only had one test to study for and I did well. 

We went out to breakfast after finals to celebrate. We also went to the Aggie basketball game where we creamed our opponents.

Sunday we surprised everyone by coming for dads birthday. It was fun to play games and be together. 

We went to Paul's family Christmas party after that, because his brother is going to be with his wife's family in Oregon for Christmas. We had a musical program and a gift exchange. It was a nice evening.

Paul was so excited about his gift g
for the gift exchange. "Baby nap" a bottle with legos in it.

We love you guys!

December 3-9,2018

This week was dead week. That is a pretty accurate description. We worked and studied. I cooked a lot and Brooke Cook left a review on one of my recipes on Instagram! Paul took a three day physical chemistry exam. . . Which he aced! 

Hopefully we can tackle finals week and move on to the Christmas festivities 

November 26 December 2, 2018

This week was a lot of fun. We're getting into the Christmas season as well as the end of the semester and we are loving it!

Thursday we went to a Christmas concert with a couple friends. It was so beautiful and was just the thing to start off December. 

Earlier that day, Paul went down to salt lake with those same friends and was their translator for the immigration office. He said it was intimidating but he did a great job.

Saturday we went to Caitlyn's ice show. She did a amazing! Paul even had a good time watching the different routines.
We love you all!


November 19-25, 2018

I met with my academic advisor this week and got off the wait-list! I'm ready for my last semester of college! 
Wednesday, my coworker brought BOXES full of ice cream to work and I took a bag full home with me. It was so crazy but I'm glad she was willing to share! 
We loved coming down for Thanksgiving. Thanks Mom for giving Paul a haircut and helping me make my Christmas decorations :) Dad was an all Star this week playing tennis with me and football and basketball with everyone. Way to go! Paul did a beautiful job setting the table for Thanksgiving and mom's desserts were amazing, as usual.

Paul and I went down to Provo for Thanksgiving dinner for a Roberts extended family party because his uncle from Texas was visiting. Paul's Grandma Roberts didn't get the kitchen reserved so she cooked Thanksgiving dinner in crock pots. It tasted so delicious! She can really work with what she is given. Then we played board and card games. Paul's Dad taught us how to play Scotland Yard where there are detectives that chase a vigilante through London. It was a lot of fun! Then we took Paul's Grandma Kennard home and played 9-innings before coming back to salt lake. Paul won ;)

Friday we thought it would be fun to go Black Friday shopping but discovered 5 minutes into it that we had made a mistake haha I decorated a little that night with Mom but Friday ended up being kinda lazy. 

It snowed Saturday morning and Bethany made the cutest tiny snowman! (Whitney did a beautiful job ðŸ˜‰)I had to take a picture of it!
Paul and I both worked Saturday so we came home that morning then decorated our apartment when we were home in the evening. Then we watched White Christmas to get ourselves in the Christmas spirit. 
Thanks for having us! Love you guys!

November 12-18, 2018

This semester is going by so fast! We only have one month left! Paul and I both registered for classes this week and both got a spot on the wait list. We'll both get a spot but it's kinda scary getting this close to graduation. 

I went to a relief society activity on Wednesday. It was called speed friendshipping where we did like a speed dating thing but just to get to know each other. It was a little sad because all the older women were on one side and all the younger women on the other. So I didn't really get to know any more girls my age during the activity. A cute girl came up to me after and talked to me. We decided we would do a dinner date sometime with our husbands. I thought she was nice and outgoing.
Saturday Paul took me to a high school performance of singing in the rain. It was for a class assignment but made for a fun date night. The kids were really talented too! I loved how much they tap danced.

Paul is getting ready to submit his Goldwater scholarship application in a couple of weeks. We would love prayers for his success and for all of you to fast for him on fast Sunday in December. 

Thank you and love you!