Tuesday, July 17, 2018


This week was pretty uneventful. We both just worked a lot. 

We are helping the scouts learn a couple of skits to perform at pack meeting. That has been fun but we are nervous because we will be on the cruise when they are performing. One if the scouts mom's is helping us though, so she'll be able to help them while we are gone.

Saturday I went to a hair school here in Logan and a girl I work with at the copper Mill did my hair and I think she did an awesome job. I think it looks just as good as my hair looked for my wedding and it costed so much less! She also put this oil in my hair that made it look so smooth and shiny and soft. 

After I got my hair done, Paul and I made the drive to Brigham City to go to the temple down there. It was Paul's first time there and it was the first time for both of us to be the witness couple. It was very exciting! The Logan temple is having renovations done, so it is closed for the time being.

We went for a walk to the temple today and they have already torn up the whole parking lot surrounding the temple. So it looks like there are going to be some major changes.

We also going out with Cameron and Colette this weekend. They are mostly living in salt lake for the summer so Cameron can work with his brother in law. It was nice to catch up with them.

That's us for this week. Love you all!

Monday, July 9, 2018

July 2, 2018

This week was super fun!

We were assigned to help with the scout breakfast on the fourth of July but they had us come at 12 pm and it was just the boy scouts there, so we left. We had our own breakfast of homemade waffles instead ðŸ˜‹ 

We met up with friends for the end of the parade then looked at some booths at the park where we got free watermelon! Then we went up the canyon and roasted hot dogs and smores. We played games like hearts and nine innings before heading home. 

We watched fireworks at the usu football stadium and that was a lot of fun. 

Friday, Paul and I went camping for the first time. We don't have any fancy gear so we just brought up my yoga mat and all our blankets. We cooked our food over the fire and it turned out really good!

We saw a snake in our campground! Too scary!

Paul loved building the fire and burning all the wood he could get his hands on. He kept me busy by having me set up and take down the tent while he was working on the fire. It was really fun for both of us!

Saturday we pulled out some names Paul got from his mom to do sealings. We had to make sure both people had received their endowments so we hopped onto family search and found ten couples that were ready to go! (We're excited to keep working on the stack today). We took those names to the temple and got all of them done! 

We're going over to a friend's today for dinner. The wife is from Mexico and they are making descada, Which Paul says is the only food he really loved from his mission, so he is excited.

We had a great lesson in relief society about how we can make our lives reflect a culture of Christ and how to prepare ourselves and others for the kingdom of God. Doing family history and temple work makes me feel like I am preparing myself for the kingdom of God because of the spirit I feel when I am doing it. I am also helping those on the other side of the veil prepare as well.

Love you guys!

Monday, July 2, 2018

June 25, 2018

This week didn't seem that busy but a lot happened haha

I just want to say that Paul pushed me to be very productive this week. We made it to the gym every day this week, which hasn't happened since the beginning of the summer ðŸ˜¬ Haha and Dad will be happy to know that I've practiced my violin every day as well! 

Paul and I both went to the temple this week but had conflicting schedules so were not able to go together. I took some names Paul's mom gave me to do some initiatory. The ladies at the temple were amazing and so spiritual. Temple work is amazing because you are helping people take those steps to being with their families forever. Paul was able to do a session later that day and was able to get some spiritual guidance on some school decisions he's been thinking about lately. 

Scouts was so fun this last week. It was pack meeting and one of the leaders put together all these water activities for the boys. I think everyone's favorite activities was catapulting water balloons as far as they could. Some went 30 yards!

My manager over staffed for Friday so I got the night off. We ran into a friend in the ward at Smith's and he asked us to go up the canyon with him and his wife. We did smores and games. Paul loved working on the fire. 

That's pretty much it for us. Love you guys!